What are the best places to wholesale real estate inorder to make quick cash 2012 and 2013?
Investors are continually told that success depends onlocation. But what does this mean for investors today?
It is important to consider where you live. This includesnot only the state in which you are investing but also the city, theneighborhood, and even the side of the street. But the biggest question thatmost people ask today is whether or not they should search further afield fordeals.
Diverse Property Markets in a Country
Today, there is a wide range of housing market conditionsin the United States. California's housing market is very different. In areas suchas Sacramento and San Diego, California, home prices are rising by doubledigits while distressed property sales are falling dramatically. Other parts of the country are experiencing an increase inforeclosures and new filings, but home prices remain at their lowest.
Investors are finding themselves in a fierce bidding warfor discount foreclosure deals. Others have more options and may wish theirmarkets were a bit further ahead of the recovery.
What is the most important thing in a market to find thebest deals? Is it price, direction of home values, fast appreciation or deepdiscounts?
What is the most important thing about flipping houses?
The price of a house is not important, nor does thedirection of the market. This has been proven by the millions of people whohave made millions flipping houses in the past seven years.
While it is important to have buyers and demand,investors should also be aware of speed and spread.
For those who are focused on selling wholesaling realproperty for quick cash, it is crucial to understand the difference betweenprofit margins and net profits. The difference between what properties can easily bepurchased and turned around quickly is the key to making the greatest netprofit and real cash. Investors can focuson the dollar amount of spread rather than focusing only on volume orpercentages.
So where should investors look for wholesale deals?
Investors may follow the media hype to find lucrativeopportunities in any city that is deemed the most popular, but the truth isthat smart real estate professionals will find quick money opportunities allacross the country if they are willing to wholesale real estate.
These homes may not all have for sale signs, overgrownyards or be listed as REOs. No matter how the local market is booming or if it is justbeginning to recover, there are still ways to make money flipping houses.Fortunately there are several options to find them without having to attend aforeclosure auction.